

The Sell-Side Technology Awards 2025 features 29 categories (see below). Best Overall Sell-Side Product of the Year and Best Sell-Side Technology Provider of the Year will be announced during the awards ceremony.

Best Alliance or Partnership

This category will be awarded to two technology providers that have combined their technologies or services over the course of the last 12 months into an offering that is currently in use at a sell-side firm. The alliance or partnership must have been struck between Q1 2024 and the end of Q1 2025.

Best Cloud Provider to the Sell Side

Entrants should be third-party cloud infrastructure/service providers to sell-side firms, irrespective of the cloud model on offer.

Best Distributed-Ledger Technology

The winning entry in this category should describe the distributed ledger technology (or product) in detail and explain its applicability to a sell-side business process, focusing on the business benefits accruing to sell-side firms on the back of implementing it.  

Best Infrastructure Provider to the Sell Side

Entrants should provide hardware, grid, virtualization, and connectivity services, supporting a range of sell-side firms' internal architecture.

Best Reporting Platform or Service for the Sell Side

Entries should feature a way to ease the reporting burden for sell-side firms under regulations such as Emir, Mifir and the Dodd-Frank Act. While data management will be an integral part of the technology, the products or services should focus on all aspects of trade reporting.

Best Sell-Side Automated Trading Platform

Entries should support algorithmic and/or high-frequency trading functions, and offer end-user flexibility with respect to modifying parameters and interface.

Best Sell-Side Compliance Product

Entries should have met a specific regulatory mandate/demand between Q1 2024 and the end Q1 2025, and illustrate how the technology has aided sell-side firms with their various compliance functions.

Best Sell-Side Data Management Product

Entries should be sell-side-focused technologies designed to normalize and store all data types, allowing for its sharing and retrieval across multiple business lines through enterprise application integration.

Best Sell-Side Market Risk Product

Entries should include ex-post, ex-ante, and Value-at-Risk calculations, "what-if" analysis, stress testing, and Monte Carlo simulations, ideally in as close to real time as possible.

Best Sell-Side Middle-Office Platform

Entries should feature credit and market risk management, compliance, CRM, and reporting functionality, and should ideally be integrated into a single offering, although integrated best-of-breed products will also qualify.

Best Sell-Side Reconciliation Platform

Entries should be third-party-provided, post-trade processing platforms, designed to handle large and complex data volumes in reduced timeframes, and should include automated exception management functionality across multiple asset classes, including OTC derivatives.

Best Sell-Side Trading Network

Entries should exhibit high levels of buy-side and sell-side penetration, be FIX-compatible, support large message volumes, and demonstrate operational resilience.

Best Smart Order Routing Product/Tool

Entries should illustrate how they assist sell-side firms (and their buy-side clients) to comply with best-execution mandates by accessing fragmented liquidity to execute orders across multiple asset classes using smart algorithms that can learn from past experience while minimizing information leakage.

Best Artificial Intelligence Technology

This category will be awarded to the technology provider that not only illustrates the extent of its AI technology, but crucially also illustrates its applicability to the sell side by way of the platform/tool being implemented in a live, production environment.

Best Data Provider to the Sell Side

Entrants should be data vendors that provide sell-side firms with consolidated, transparent, clean and reliable datasets/services across multiple business lines and functions.

Best Implementation at a Sell-Side Firm

Entries should be third-party-provided applications/services, implemented at a sell-side firm, and completed on-time and on-budget between the beginning of Q1 2024 and the end of Q1 2025.

Best Outsourcing Provider to the Sell Side

Entrants should offer multiple business development and engineering services and responsiveness to client demands, while meeting budgetary and time-to-market objectives for sell-side clients.

Best Sell-Side Analytics Product

Entrants should demonstrate the extent to which their offerings help sell-side firms manage and interrogate large data volumes to identify trends and correlations, especially when it comes to assisting with various decision-support functions and risk management initiatives.

Best Sell-Side Back-Office Platform

Entries should feature a number of the following functions: reconciliations, corporate actions processing, accounting, client reporting, collateral management and cash and liquidity management.

Best Sell-Side Credit Risk Product

Entries should include incremental credit valuation adjustment calculations, collateral management capabilities, support for a range of external data sources, and compliance with regulatory best practices.

Best Sell-Side Front-Office Platform

Entries should have EMS and OMS functionality, multi-asset capabilities, execute large trade volumes in real time, and support compliance and risk management activities.

Best Sell-Side Market Surveillance Product

Entries should incorporate real-time surveillance capabilities for both internal and external obligations, including pattern-recognition software and case-building capabilities.

Best Sell-Side Mobile Initiative

Entries should feature support for multiple devices and operating systems, offer high availability, advanced encryption security, and accommodate various levels of user permissions.

Best Sell-Side OTC Trading Initiative

Entries should embody new and innovative ways of tackling the increasingly electronic derivatives trading landscape, with demonstrable benefit to sell-side firms operating within this space. Entries should aim to support all functions from pre-trade risk management through to clearing and settlement.

Best Sell-Side Trading Communication System

Entries should feature design simplicity and user-friendliness, high availability, support for simultaneous incoming and outbound calls, voice recording and archiving.

Best use of the Agile Methodology

The winning entry in this category must illustrate the extent to which the firm operates in an agile manner through regular sprints and scrums, frequent software releases, retrospectives, and close, ongoing collaboration with clients.

Best Sell-Side Newcomer — Regulation, Risk & Compliance

Entries in this category should be new products or services (or substantial upgrades to existing products or services) and launched between the start of Q1 2024 and the end of Q1 2025.

Best Sell-Side Newcomer — Trading, Pricing & Analytics

Entries in this category should be new products or services (or substantial upgrades to existing products or services) and launched between the start of Q1 2024 and the end of Q1 2025.

Best Sell-Side Newcomer — Data & Data Management

Entries in this category should be new products or services (or substantial upgrades to existing products or services) and launched between the start of Q1 2024 and the end of Q1 2025.